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Notices & Handouts

A Note From Our Staff

We would like to thank you for being a student at the Currie Dance Studio. We are very excited for the season to get underway! We are believers in a positive atmosphere. We want your child to believe in themselves, gain confidence, and have fun all while expressing themselves in the wonderful world of dance & tumbling. We believe that dance & tumbling can help your child in every aspect of life. Dance & tumbling is not about who is the best, or how many awards you have, it is about the love and passion that one gets from dance & tumbling. Our hope is that you and your child share in our passion!

Our Policy

Students will be placed with respect to individual potential and proficiency by the studio staff. Please know that all students progress at different rates. Therefore, students may not always be placed with the same classmates. Regular attendance is essential for progress in dance & tumbling education. All students are requested to arrive to class on time.  A late arrival is distracting to the teacher and the other students in the class. Please be prompt when your child's lesson is over! Please notify the studio by phone for necessary missed lessons or unexpected lateness.

Account Information
To avoid a $10 bookkeeping fee, please pay your account in full by the first lesson of each month (see calendar for dates of payments). We must enforce this policy. After the 7th of the month, there is a bookkeeping fee added to your account. If the child is absent the 1st lesson of that month, the payment is still due by the 7th. You may mail it or stop by any evening Monday through Thursday. We only write bills to delinquent accounts. Payments may be in cash, bank online automatic bill pay, check or money order (sorry, no credit cards accepted). Venmo is nw accepted! Our front desk will be staffed the first lesson of each month during regular business hours for any assistance you may require. No payments are accepted by phone. There is a $35.00 insufficient check charge per deposit. All fees are non-refundable. If you decide to discontinue your lessons, you must notify the dance studio in writing. All payments will be expected until we are notified. We have conveniently divide your annual dance payment into 8 equal payments due the 1st lesson of each month.

Weather Cancellation Policy
Please see the notice posted in the studio to subscribe to a texting app that will remind you about important information i.e. weather cancellations & important reminders. It is free, texting rates will apply. Do not assume that class is cancelled because schools have been cancelled. Many times the weather and roads clear by the afternoon. We do not call each individual student in the event of cancellation due to weather. We will contact the local TV stations and ask that they post it. I certainly understand if we do have class and you don't want to venture out.   

Parking and Drop off
Remember that the driveway is a one way drive entering on 70th street, exiting on Madison. PLEASE do not sit in the driveway and wait for your child to come out. Other students are behind you trying to get in and then the traffic gets backed up on to 70th street. Please be considerate of our neighbors when parking near their driveways. Beware of the handicap ramp on the art gallery building to the west of the studio. It has to be there by law. I know the drive is tight, but the city felt there was enough room for the ramp, and parking. If you drive a large vehicle please avoid parking in the 2 spots directly across from the ramp, it makes it impossible to pass your wide SUV, truck, or van to exit. If you park in either of those spaces please pull as far to the right as possible (don’t worry about the grass) leaving car passing space is more important.

Elite Dance Outfitters has a complete list of our studio requirements. They are located at 9962 Swanson Blvd in Clive. Clothing that is unacceptable for students are pajama pants, boxer shorts, any over sized clothing, jeans, and any pants that drag on the floor. If the students clothing presents a danger they will be asked to change or sit and observe the class. Girls may wear yoga pants and cami shirts, leotards, biketards, booty shorts and a form fitted shirt. Boys may wear shorts or sweat pants and a t-shirt tucked in. The proper shoes are required for each class.

Waiting Room Etiquette
We ask that you be aware of others around you. ALL CHILDREN need to be kept under control, no running, horse play or screaming please! It is not fair to a class when the teacher has to stop class to go into the waiting room and discipline a child. The noise level must be kept to a minimum. Please pick up all of your trash. The cubby holes are for shoes, bags and extras, please use the cubbies so the benches may be used for seating. If you plan on leaving your child unattended, please speak to them about the appropriate behavior that is expected. We don’t mind if you eat at the studio, but we are NOT your maids. Please pick up your food and drink waste when you are done.

Costume Measuring
We will be measuring for costumes in October. I realize that the recital is not until May, but I do allow for growth. If you are concerned with how we measure, feel free to measure your child yourself and give me their measurements before October 15th. If you do so, you will take all responsibility for alterations, and any other adjustments that might need to be made. I cannot re-order costumes. It takes 3-4 months to get a single costume. I will need the bust, waist, hips and girth of your child. Please remember if you do this and the costume doesn’t fit I can do nothing about it.

Payments made payable to:

Currie Dance Studio

Mailing address:
Currie Dance Studio
3840 70th Street
Urbandale, IA 50322

Phone: 515-276-7475

About Us 


We offer classes in Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Hip-hop, Pointe and Tumbling.  We are a non-competitive dance studio with a fun and safe atmosphere.

Give us a call for a tour of the studio!  515 . 276 . 7475

3840 70th Street Urbandale, IA 50322

© 2024 by Currie Dance Studio.

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